Happy to Connect

You can reach us with your queries

We shall connect with you at the earliest.

I have registered for the event. What are the next steps?

Once you successfully register for the event, you will receive a confirmation email. One week prior to the event, you will receive an e-ticket for the event. You would need to show the e-ticket at the venue to attend the session.

After registering I have not received the confirmation email.

There might be a case that the email might have gone to the spam folder on your email. Please do check the spam folder. We request you to please mark the email as ‘Not spam’.
If the email is not even in the spam folder, you can fill in the query form given above or write to us at info@transformwithmaitreya.org.

How long would it take for my query to be responded?

While we will try our best to respond to your queries at the earliest, please allow us a maximum of 48 hours to get back. The response to the query will be sent on the email provided by you.

Is there any Ashram or centre that I can visit?

While our Ashram is at Karjat, Maharashtra, we have our primary centre – MaitriBodh Arohan Kendra – in Gurugram. Click here for the location.

Besides this also, there are other satellite centres throughout the Delhi NCR. You can fill in the query form given above.